Commit e797edd1 authored by Kevin Kunzmann's avatar Kevin Kunzmann

earlier filtering

parent 18832746
......@@ -82,8 +82,6 @@ rule vcf_to_dosages:
printf "done.\n\r\n\r"
bcftools +fill-tags -e 'MAF[0]<0.01 | INFO<0.8 | TYPE!="snp" | N_ALT!=1' CENTER_TBI_imputed_3695_1K_MAC1_freeze_190829_chr1.vcf.gz > chr1.vcf
# extract sample file for PrediXcan
rule generate_samples_file:
mkdir logs
mkdir -p logs
rm -f nohup.out
touch nohup.out
nohup snakemake $1 \
--jobs 99 \
--use-singularity \
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