Commit 101dd90d authored by Kevin Kunzmann's avatar Kevin Kunzmann


parent 8ce5fc72
......@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ export NEUROBOT_API=[my-neurobot-api-key]
The workflow can be executed on a potent desktop machine although a cluster
execution is recommended (cf. blow).
./singularity manuscript_v1_1
./singularity impute_msm_v1_1
./snakemake manuscript_v1_1
./snakemake impute_msm_v1_1
All output is written to `output/`.
......@@ -62,10 +62,10 @@ Cluster execution requires a cluster-specific [configuration](
The `singularity_slurm` script assumes existence of a slurm cluster.
Data should be downloaded on the login node:
./singularity download_data_v1_1
./snakemake download_data_v1_1
Then, simply modify the `cluster.json` accordingly and execute
./singularity_slurm manuscript_v1_1
./singularity_slurm impute_msm_v1_1
./snakemake_slurm manuscript_v1_1
./snakemake_slurm impute_msm_v1_1
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