Commit e0e33f50 authored by Cecilia Akerlund's avatar Cecilia Akerlund

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parent e3ad1d63
#For parallel processing:
nas <- c("", NA)
f <- "C:/Users/Cecilia KI/Dropbox/Cecilia/ICP burden/ICP_tempdata/"
# New data: ---------------------
Baseline <- read.csv("C:/Users/Cecilia KI/Dropbox/Cecilia/ICP burden/Baseline.new_200625.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE) #Created in script ICP_burden_preparation_200625.R
ms <- read.csv("C:/Users/Cecilia KI/Dropbox/Cecilia/ICP burden/ms.new_200625.csv", na.strings = nas, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
ms <- ms %>% mutate(datetime = as.POSIXct(datetime),
gupi = as.factor(gupi),
GOSE6mo.derived = as.factor(GOSE6mo.derived))
ms <- ms %>% mutate(icp= ifelse(, icp.evd, icp))
jet.colors <- colorRampPalette(c("#00007F", "blue", "#007FFF", "cyan", "#7FFF7F", "yellow", "#FF7F00", "red", "#7F0000"))
cbPalette <- c("#999999", "#E69F00", "#56B4E9", "#009E73", "#F0E442", "#0072B2", "#D55E00", "#CC79A7")
pt <- 10:40
tth <- 5:360
# Functions: --------------------------------
# ICP_events_all:
ICP_events_all <- function(x, events, pt, tth)
ndays <- as.numeric(difftime(max(x$datetime), min(x$datetime), units="days"))
for (i in pt)
print(paste0("Patient ", j, ", i ",i))
x <- mutate(x, icp_up=ifelse(icp<i, 0, 1), index=1:nrow(x), icp_trans=c(NA, diff(icp_up)))
x[1,"icp_trans"] <- ifelse(x[1,"icp"]<i,0,1)
#Get start and end times of events:
x_start <- filter(x, icp_trans==1) %>% select(datetime) %>% rename(time_start=datetime) #get starttimes of events
x3 <- filter(x, icp_trans==-1)
endtime <- x3$index-1
x_end <- filter(x, index %in% endtime) %>% select(datetime) %>% rename(time_stop=datetime) #get endtime of events
#make x_start, x_end same length:
{x_end <- rbind(x_end, NA)}
# # Lines added 191207:
# if([nrow(x_end)]))
# {x_end[nrow(x_end)] <- max(x$datetime)}
# if(nrow(x_start)<nrow(x_end))
# {x_start <- rbind(NA, x_start)}
h <- cbind(x_start, x_end)
colnames(h) <- c("time_start", "time_stop") #To make consistent colnames if no start or end times
h <- h %>% mutate(PRx.mean = NA, PAx.mean = NA, RAC.mean = NA, RAP.mean = NA)
#Get length of each event:
h$timediff <- difftime(h$time_stop, h$time_start, units="mins") #length of each ICP event
if(nrow(h) != 0)
for (k in 1:nrow(h))
h$PRx.mean[k] <- mean((x %>% filter(datetime >= h$time_start[k], datetime <= h$time_stop[k]))$PRx, na.rm = TRUE)
h$PAx.mean[k] <- mean((x %>% filter(datetime >= h$time_start[k], datetime <= h$time_stop[k]))$PAx, na.rm = TRUE)
h$RAC.mean[k] <- mean((x %>% filter(datetime >= h$time_start[k], datetime <= h$time_stop[k]))$RAC, na.rm = TRUE)
h$RAP.mean[k] <- mean((x %>% filter(datetime >= h$time_start[k], datetime <= h$time_stop[k]))$RAP, na.rm = TRUE)
events.temp <- data.frame(PatientID=j, icp.threshold=rep(i, length(tth)), time.threshold=tth, n=NA, n.fixed=NA, n.fixed.exact=NA)
for (t in 1:nrow(events.temp))
tt <- events.temp$time.threshold[t]
h.temp <- h %>% filter(timediff >= tt) %>%
mutate(n.fixed = floor(timediff/tt),
n.fixed.exact = timediff/tt)
events.temp$n[t] <- nrow(h.temp)
events.temp$n.fixed[t] <- sum(floor(h.temp$n.fixed))
events.temp$n.fixed.exact[t] <- sum(h.temp$n.fixed.exact)
events.temp$[t] <- nrow(filter(h.temp, PRx.mean <= 0))
events.temp$n.PRx.passive[t] <- nrow(filter(h.temp, PRx.mean > 0))
events.temp$[t] <- nrow(filter(h.temp, PAx.mean <= 0))
events.temp$n.PAx.passive[t] <- nrow(filter(h.temp, PAx.mean > 0))
events.temp$[t] <- nrow(filter(h.temp, RAC.mean <= 0))
events.temp$n.RAC.passive[t] <- nrow(filter(h.temp, RAC.mean > 0))
events.temp$[t] <- nrow(filter(h.temp, RAP.mean <= 0))
events.temp$n.RAP.passive[t] <- nrow(filter(h.temp, RAP.mean > 0))
events.temp$PRx.above.0.3[t] <- nrow(filter(h.temp, PRx.mean > 0.3))
events.temp$PRx.below.0.3[t] <- nrow(filter(h.temp, PRx.mean <= 0.3))
events.temp$PRx.above.0.2[t] <- nrow(filter(h.temp, PRx.mean > 0.2))
events.temp$PRx.below.0.2[t] <- nrow(filter(h.temp, PRx.mean <= 0.2))
events.temp$PRx.above.0.1[t] <- nrow(filter(h.temp, PRx.mean > 0.1))
events.temp$PRx.below.0.1[t] <- nrow(filter(h.temp, PRx.mean <= 0.1))
events.temp$PRx.mean[t] <- sum(h.temp$PRx.mean*as.integer(h.temp$timediff))/sum(as.integer(h.temp$timediff))
events.temp$Mean.PRx.mean[t] <- mean(h.temp$PRx.mean)
events.temp <- events.temp %>% mutate(days = ndays,,,
events <- rbind(events, events.temp)
# events <- temp %>% filter(TIL.Tier==0) %>% rename(Outcome=GOSE6mo)
# m="n"
ICP_correlations <- function(events, m)
events <- events %>% select(icp.threshold, time.threshold, Outcome, m)
events <- events %>% rename(k = m)
events.summary <- events %>% group_by(icp.threshold, time.threshold, Outcome) %>%
summarise(mean.n=mean(k, na.rm=TRUE)) %>%
filter(! # %>%
# new lines: 191210:
temp <- data.frame(Outcome = rep(unique(events$Outcome), each=length(pt)),
icp.threshold = pt)
temp2 <- data.frame(icp.threshold=rep(pt, each=length(tth), ncol=length(tth)))
temp2 <- cbind(temp2, time.threshold = tth)
temp <- left_join(temp, temp2, by="icp.threshold")
temp <- left_join(temp, events.summary, by=c("icp.threshold", "time.threshold", "Outcome"))
temp[] <- 0
events.summary <- temp
# line added 200128:
events.summary$Outcome <- as.numeric(events.summary$Outcome)
#Calculate correlation coefficients between outcome and number of events:
Corr.temp <- events.summary %>% group_by(icp.threshold, time.threshold) %>%
summarise(corr.n = as.numeric(cor.test(Outcome, mean.n)$estimate),
min.CI = min(as.numeric(cor.test(Outcome, mean.n, method = "pearson")$,
max.CI = max(as.numeric(cor.test(Outcome, mean.n, method = "pearson")$
n.patients <- events %>% filter(k != 0) %>% group_by(icp.threshold, time.threshold) %>% summarise(n.pat.nonzero = n()) #%>% ungroup(events)
Corr.temp <- left_join(Corr.temp, n.patients, by=c("icp.threshold", "time.threshold"))
# Function to generate plots:
Corrplots <- function(Corrtemp, title, alfa)
corr.n_plot <- ggplot(Corrtemp, aes(x=icp.threshold, y=time.threshold, z=corr.n, fill=corr.n)) +
geom_raster(interpolate=TRUE, alpha = alfa) +
geom_contour(color="grey", alpha=0.5, size=0.5) +
stat_contour(breaks=c(0), size=2, colour="black") +
scale_fill_gradientn(colours = rev(jet.colors(100)),limits=c(-1,1),name= "Correlation", guide = guide_colorbar(reverse=TRUE)) +
theme_minimal() +
theme(legend.title = element_text(face="italic"), text = element_text(size = 14)) +
xlab("Intensity greater than (mmHg)") +
ylab("Duration greater than (mins)") +
# Generate plot with SD:
Corrplots2 <- function(Corrtemp, title, alfa, sdwidth)
Corrtemp <- Corrtemp %>% mutate(tl.high=corr.n+sdwidth*sd.corr,
#Corrtemp <- Corrtemp %>% mutate(tl.high = ifelse()
corr.n_plot <- ggplot(Corrtemp, aes(x=icp.threshold, y=time.threshold, z=corr.n, fill=corr.n)) +
geom_raster(interpolate=TRUE, alpha = alfa) +
geom_contour(color="grey", alpha=0.5, size=0.5) +
stat_contour(breaks=c(0), size=2, colour="black") +
stat_contour(breaks = c(0), size=2, aes(x=icp.threshold, y=time.threshold, z=tl.low), colour="grey") +
stat_contour(breaks = c(0), size=2, aes(x=icp.threshold, y=time.threshold, z=tl.high), colour="white") +
scale_fill_gradientn(colours = rev(jet.colors(100)),limits=c(-1,1),name= "Correlation", guide = guide_colorbar(reverse=TRUE)) +
theme_minimal() +
theme(legend.title = element_text(face="italic"), text = element_text(size = 14)) +
xlab("Intensity greater than (mmHg)") +
ylab("Duration greater than (mins)") +
ggtitle(paste0(title, ", ", "+-", sdwidth, " SD"))
# Calculate events and Bootstrappings and correlations for bootstrapping: ---------------------
# Create events (ms_200625 was used): ---------------------
# # Create ICP events: -------------------------------
events <- data.frame()
Patients <- unique(Baseline$gupi)
# Create events list, filtered data:
no_cores <- detectCores()
clust <- makeCluster(no_cores-1)
StartTime <- Sys.time()
events_all <- foreach(j = 1:length(Patients), .combine = rbind, .packages = "dplyr") %dopar% {ICP_events_all(filter(ms, gupi == Patients[j]), events, pt, tth)}
Sys.time() - StartTime
events_all <- events_all %>% mutate(gupi = Patients[PatientID]) %>% select(gupi, everything(), -PatientID)
# write.csv(events_all, "C:/Users/Cecilia KI/Dropbox/Cecilia/ICP burden/ICP_tempdata/200625/events_all_200625.csv", row.names = FALSE)
# Bootstrap correlations, 1000 times: ------------------------------------------------------
# Bootstrap events, all patients:
load(paste0(f,"/200625/bootstrapping.RData")) # Created in ICP_burden_bootstraps_200625.R (On server)
# -----------------------------------
# Make list of correlations: ----------------------------------------------
events_all <- read.csv(paste0(f,"200625/events_all_200625.csv"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE, na.strings = nas)
events_all <- left_join(events_all, select(Baseline, gupi, GOSE6mo, GOSE6mo.derived, GOS, ICPDevice, DecompressiveCran), by="gupi")
Corr.list <- list()
Corr.list$ICP$All <- ICP_correlations(events_all %>% rename(Outcome = GOSE6mo), m="n")
Corr.list$ICP$Bootstraps$All <- read.csv(paste0(f,"200625/Bootstraps.GOSE6mo.summary.csv"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE, na.strings = nas)
Corr.list$ICP$Bootstraps$NoDC <- read.csv(paste0(f,"200625/Bootstraps.NoDC.GOSE6mo.summary.csv"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE, na.strings = nas)
Corr.list$ICP$Bootstraps$DC <- read.csv(paste0(f,"200625/Bootstraps.DC.GOSE6mo.summary.csv"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE, na.strings = nas)
Corr.list$ICP$Bootstraps$EVD <- read.csv(paste0(f,"200625/Bootstraps.EVD.GOSE6mo.summary.csv"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE, na.strings = nas)
Corr.list$ICP$PRxBelow0.3 <- ICP_correlations(events_all %>% rename(Outcome = GOSE6mo), "PRx.below.0.3")
Corr.list$ICP$PRxAbove0.3 <- ICP_correlations(events_all %>% rename(Outcome = GOSE6mo), "PRx.above.0.3")
Corr.list$ICP$DC$All <- ICP_correlations(events_all %>% filter(DecompressiveCran==1) %>% rename(Outcome=GOSE6mo), m="n")
Corr.list$ICP$NoDC$All <- ICP_correlations(events_all %>% filter(DecompressiveCran==0) %>% rename(Outcome=GOSE6mo), m="n")
Corr.list$ICP$NoDC$PRxBelow0.3 <- ICP_correlations(events_all %>% filter(DecompressiveCran==0) %>% rename(Outcome = GOSE6mo), "PRx.below.0.3")
Corr.list$ICP$NoDC$PRxAbove0.3 <- ICP_correlations(events_all %>% filter(DecompressiveCran==0) %>% rename(Outcome = GOSE6mo), "PRx.above.0.3")
Corr.list$ICP$EVD$All <- ICP_correlations(events_all %>% filter(gupi %in% unique(filter(ms, !$gupi)) %>% rename(Outcome = GOSE6mo, m="n"))
Corr.list$ICP$NoEVD$All <- ICP_correlations(events_all %>% filter(!gupi %in% unique(filter(ms, !$gupi)) %>% rename(Outcome = GOSE6mo, m="n"))
Corr.list$ICP$NoDCNoEVD$All <- ICP_correlations(events_all %>% filter(!gupi %in% unique(filter(ms, !$gupi), gupi %in% filter(Baseline, DecompressiveCran==0)$gupi) %>% rename(Outcome=GOSE6mo), m="n")
Corr.list$GOS$ICP$All <- ICP_correlations(events_all %>% rename(Outcome = GOS), m="n")
Corr.list$GOS$ICP$PRxBelow0.3 <- ICP_correlations(events_all %>% rename(Outcome = GOS), m="PRx.below.0.3")
Corr.list$GOS$ICP$PRxAbove0.3 <- ICP_correlations(events_all %>% rename(Outcome = GOS), m="PRx.above.0.3")
# save(Corr.list, file = paste0(f,"200625/Corr.list.RData"))
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Corr_bootstraps.GOSE <- read.csv(paste0(f,"200625/Corr_bootstraps.GOSE6mo.df.10.csv"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Figures 200625:
# Figure 1: ICP profile of one patient:
temp <- ms %>% filter(gupi == unique(ms$gupi)[9]) %>% mutate(Days = difftime(datetime, "1970-01-01 00:00", units="days"))
print(ggplot(temp, aes(x=Days, y=icp, y2=15)) +
geom_flame(fill = "grey") +
geom_line() + geom_hline(yintercept = 15, size=1) +
ylim(0,max(temp$icp)) +
xlim(2,max(temp$Days)) +
theme_minimal() +
theme(legend.title = element_text(face="italic"), text = element_text(size = 14), axis.text = element_text(size=14)) +
ggtitle("ICP monitoring from one patient") + xlab("Days post injury") + ylab("ICP"))
# Fig 2: GOSE distributions:
print(ggplot(Baseline, aes(GOSE6mo)) + geom_bar(fill = "darkgrey") + xlab("GOS-E score at 6 months") + ylab("Count") +
scale_x_discrete(limits=c(1:8)) +
theme_minimal() +
theme(legend.title = element_text(face="italic"), text = element_text(size = 14)))
# Fig 3:
grid.arrange(Corrplots(Corr.list$ICP$All, paste0("A. All patients, n=", nrow(Baseline)), 1),
Corrplots2(Corr.list$ICP$Bootstraps$All, "B. 1000 bootstraps, n=227", 1, 2), nrow=1)
# Fig 4:
print(Corrplots(Corr_bootstraps.GOSE, "Ten randomly selected bootstraps", 1) + facet_wrap(~bootstrap, nrow=2))
# Fig 6:
grid.arrange(Corrplots(Corr.list$ICP$PRxBelow0.3, "A. Intact autoregulation", 1),
Corrplots(Corr.list$ICP$PRxAbove0.3, "B. Impaired autoregulation", 1), nrow=1)
# Fig 5, active/passive time:
# Autoregulation % active/passive:
# % impaired autoregulation
nrow(ms %>% filter(PRx.evd > 0.3 | PRx > 0.3))/nrow(ms)
Autoregtimes <- data.frame(gupi=character(), Activetime = numeric(), Monitortime = numeric())
for (i in 1:length(unique(Baseline$gupi)))
x <- ms %>% filter(gupi == Baseline$gupi[i], ! %>% select(gupi, datetime, PRx)
if(nrow(x) == 0)
activetime <- 0
monitortime <- 0
x <- mutate(x,<0.3, 1, 0), index=1:nrow(x), prx_trans=c(NA, diff(
x[1,"prx_trans"] <- ifelse(x[1,"PRx"]<0.3,1,-1)
#Get start and end times of events, active:
x_start <- filter(x, prx_trans==1) %>% select(datetime) %>% rename(time_start=datetime) #get starttimes of events
x_start <- ungroup(x_start) %>% select(-gupi)
x3 <- filter(x, prx_trans==-1)
endtime <- x3$index-1
x_end <- filter(x, index %in% endtime) %>% select(datetime) %>% rename(time_stop=datetime) #get endtime of events
x_end <- ungroup(x_end) %>% select(-gupi)
#make x_start, x_end same length:
{x_end <- rbind(x_end, NA)}
h <- cbind(x_start, x_end)
colnames(h) <- c("time_start", "time_stop") #To make consistent colnames if no start or end times
{h$time_stop[nrow(h)] <- max(x$datetime)}
#Get time with active prx:
h$activetime <- difftime(h$time_stop, h$time_start, units="mins") #length of each ICP event
activetime <- as.numeric(sum(h$activetime))
monitortime <- as.numeric(difftime(max(x$datetime), min(x$datetime), units = "mins"))
Autoregtimes <- rbind(Autoregtimes, data.frame(gupi = Baseline$gupi[i], Activetime = activetime, Monitortime = monitortime))
Autoregtimes <- arrange(Autoregtimes, Activetime/Monitortime)
Autoregtimes$gupi <- factor(Autoregtimes$gupi, levels = Autoregtimes$gupi)
Autoregtimes$n <- c(1:nrow(Autoregtimes))
# write.csv(Autoregtimes, paste0(f,"200625/Autoregtimes.csv"), row.names=FALSE)
# print(ggplot(Autoregtimes) + geom_bar(aes(x=as.factor(gupi), y=Monitortime/Monitortime), fill="darkgreen", stat="identity") +
# geom_bar(aes(x=as.factor(gupi), y=Activetime/Monitortime), fill="green", stat="identity")
# + ggtitle("Dark green = passive autoregulation, light green = active"))
print(ggplot(Autoregtimes, aes(x=n, y=Activetime/Monitortime)) + geom_line() +
theme_minimal() +
theme(legend.title = element_text(face="italic"), text = element_text(size = 14), axis.text = element_text(size=14)) +
xlim(0,200) +
ggtitle("Intact cerebral autoregulation") + xlab("Patient number") + ylab("Time with intact autoregulation / Total monitoring time"))
# To supplement:
NoEVDDC <- length(unique((events_all %>% filter(!gupi %in% unique(filter(ms, !$gupi), gupi %in% filter(Baseline, DecompressiveCran==0)$gupi))$gupi))
grid.arrange(Corrplots(Corr.list$ICP$All, paste0("A. All patients, n=",nrow(Baseline)), 1),
Corrplots(Corr.list$ICP$NoDC$All, paste0("B. No DC, n=", nrow(Baseline %>% filter(DecompressiveCran==0))), 1),
Corrplots(Corr.list$ICP$NoEVD$All, paste0("C. Other monitor than EVD, n=", length(unique(ms$gupi))-length(unique(filter(ms, !$gupi))), 1),
Corrplots(Corr.list$ICP$NoDCNoEVD$All, paste0("D. No EVD, no DC, n=",NoEVDDC ), 1), nrow=2)
# To supplement, GOS:
grid.arrange(Corrplots(Corr.list$GOS$ICP$All %>% filter(icp.threshold>=10, time.threshold>=5), title=paste0("A. GOS, n=", length(unique(Baseline$gupi))), alfa=1),
Corrplots(Corr.list$GOS$ICP$PRxBelow0.3 %>% filter(icp.threshold>=10, time.threshold>=5), title="B. GOS, Active autoregulation", alfa=1),
Corrplots(Corr.list$GOS$ICP$PRxAbove0.3 %>% filter(icp.threshold>=10, time.threshold>=5), title="C. GOS, Passive autoregulation", alfa=1),
# For reference: -----------------------------
grid.arrange(Corrplots2(Corr.list$ICP$Bootstraps$EVD, paste0("C. EVD, 1000 bootstraps, n=", nrow(filter(Baseline, !,1, 2),
Corrplots2(Corr.list$ICP$Bootstraps$DC, paste0("C. DC, 1000 bootstraps, n=", nrow(filter(Baseline, DecompressiveCran==1))),1, 2), nrow=1)
# TIL:
temp <- left_join(events_all, select(Baseline, gupi, TIL.Tier, TIL.max), by="gupi")
Corr.list2 <- list()
Corr.list2$TIL$TILHigh <- ICP_correlations(temp %>% filter(TIL.max >= 11) %>% rename(Outcome=GOSE6mo), m="n")
Corr.list2$TIL$TILLow <- ICP_correlations(temp %>% filter(TIL.max < 11) %>% rename(Outcome=GOSE6mo), m="n")
grid.arrange(Corrplots(Corr.list2$TIL$TILHigh, title=paste0("Max Daily TIL >= 11, n=", length(unique((temp %>% filter(TIL.max >= 11))$gupi))), alfa=1),
Corrplots(Corr.list2$TIL$TILLow, title=paste0("Max Daily TIL < 11, n=", length(unique((temp %>% filter(TIL.max < 11))$gupi))), alfa=1), nrow=1)
# --------------------------------------------
# Distribution of monitoring time: ----------
Baseline <- Baseline %>% mutate(Mort6mo = ifelse(DeathDate <= "1970-06-31", 1, 0))
Baseline <- Baseline %>% mutate(Mort6mo = as.factor(ifelse(, 0, Mort6mo)))
distr <- ggplot(data=Baseline, aes(x=monitor.time, fill=Mort6mo)) +
geom_histogram(alpha=0.5) +
scale_fill_manual(values=c("deepskyblue", "orange3"), name="6 Month Mortality") +
scale_x_continuous(name="Monitoring time (days)") +
theme_minimal() +
theme(legend.title = element_text(face="italic"), text = element_text(size = 14), axis.text = element_text(size=14)) +
ggtitle("Distribution of monitoring time")
# Determine cut-offs (transition lines) and time in red zone: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
alfa <- 1
Blackline <- Corrplots(Corrtemp = Corr.list$ICP$Bootstraps$All, paste0("n= ", length(unique(Baseline$gupi))), 1)
Greywhitelines <- Corrplots2(Corr.list$ICP$Bootstraps$All %>% select(-corr.n) %>% rename(corr.n = mean.corr),
"Mean correlations, 1000 bootstraps", 1, sdwidth=2)
View(ggplot_build(Corrplots(Corrtemp = Corr.list$ICP$PRxBelow0.3, "x",1)))
# Thresholds for transition line:
# +2*sd: <- ggplot_build(Greywhitelines)$data[[5]] %>% mutate(ints=cut(x, breaks=seq(4.5,40.5, 1))) %>% group_by(ints) %>% summarise(time.threshold=median(y)) <- %>% mutate(icp.threshold=c(13:32)) %>% select(-ints)
# For black transition line: <- ggplot_build(Greywhitelines)$data[[3]] %>% mutate(ints=cut(x,breaks=seq(4.5,40.5,1))) %>% group_by(ints) %>% summarise(time.threshold=median(y)) <- %>% mutate(icp.threshold=c(10:18)) %>% select(-ints)
# Time in red zone:
ms2 <- data.frame()
ms <- ms %>% mutate( = 0)
ICP_events_all2 <- function(x, tl, ms2)
ndays <- as.numeric(difftime(max(x$datetime), min(x$datetime), units="days"))
for (i in 1:nrow(tl))
#print(paste0("Patient ", j, ", i ",tl$icp.threshold[i]))
x <- mutate(x, icp_up=ifelse(icp<tl$icp.threshold[i], 0, 1), index=1:nrow(x), icp_trans=c(NA, diff(icp_up)))
x[1,"icp_trans"] <- ifelse(x[1,"icp"]<tl$icp.threshold[i],0,1)
#Get start and end times of events:
x_start <- x %>% ungroup %>% filter(icp_trans==1) %>% select(datetime) %>% rename(time_start=datetime) #get starttimes of events
x3 <- x %>% ungroup %>% filter(icp_trans==-1)
endtime <- x3$index-1
x_end <- x %>% ungroup %>% filter(index %in% endtime) %>% select(datetime) %>% rename(time_stop=datetime) #get endtime of events
#make x_start, x_end same length:
{x_end <- rbind(x_end, NA)}
h <- cbind(x_start, x_end)
if (nrow(h) !=0)
colnames(h) <- c("time_start", "time_stop") #To make consistent colnames if no start or end times
# h <- h %>% mutate(PRx.mean = NA, PAx.mean = NA, RAC.mean = NA, RAP.mean = NA)
h$time_stop[nrow(h)] <- max(x$datetime)
h$time_stop <- as.POSIXct(h$time_stop, origin="1970-01-01")
#Get length of each event:
h$timediff <- difftime(h$time_stop, h$time_start, units="mins") #length of each ICP event
h <- h %>% mutate(time_start2 = time_start + tl$time.threshold[i]*60, timediff2 = timediff-tl$time.threshold[i])
h <- h %>% filter(timediff2 > 0)
if(nrow(h) > 0)
for (k in 1:nrow(h))
x <- x %>% mutate( = ifelse(between(datetime, h$time_start2[k], h$time_stop[k]), 1,
# print(nrow(x %>% filter(
x <- x %>% select(-icp_up, -icp_trans, -index)
ms2 <- rbind(ms2, x)
for (j in 1:length(unique(ms$gupi)))
x <- ms %>% filter(gupi==unique(ms$gupi)[j]) %>% select(gupi, datetime, icp,, GOSE6mo.derived)
ms2 <- ICP_events_all2(x,, ms2)
rz <- ms2 %>% group_by(gupi) %>% summarise(n.rz = sum(, rz=mean(
Baseline <- left_join(Baseline, rz, by="gupi")
# write.csv(Baseline, "C:/Users/Cecilia KI/Dropbox/Cecilia/ICP burden/Baseline.new_200625.csv", row.names = FALSE) # red zone time added in ICP_burden_200625.R)
# Time above upper 2 SD bound: ----------------------------------------
ms3 <- data.frame()
for(j in 1:length(unique(ms$gupi)))
x <- ms %>% filter(gupi == unique(ms$gupi)[j]) %>% select(gupi, datetime, icp,, GOSE6mo.derived)
ms3 <- ICP_events_all2(x,, ms3)
rz.ub <- ms3 %>% group_by(gupi) %>% summarise(n.rz.ub=sum(, rz.ub=mean(
Baseline <- left_join(Baseline, rz.ub, by="gupi")
# write.csv(Baseline, "C:/Users/Cecilia KI/Dropbox/Cecilia/ICP burden/Baseline.new_200625.csv", row.names = FALSE) # red zone time added in ICP_burden_200625.R)
# ----------------------------------------------
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