Commit 048d87d1 authored by Cecilia Akerlund's avatar Cecilia Akerlund

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parent 91613438
nas <- c("", NA)
f <- "C:/Users/Cecilia KI/Dropbox/Cecilia/ICP burden/ICP_tempdata/"
Baseline <- read.csv("C:/Users/Cecilia KI/Dropbox/Cecilia/ICP burden/Baseline.new_200625.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, na.strings = nas) #Created in script ICP_burden_preparation_200225.csv
Baseline <- Baseline %>% mutate(Mort6mo = ifelse(GOSE6mo == 1, 1, 0),
Outcome = as.factor(ifelse(GOSE6mo %in% c(1,2,3,4), "UNFAV", "FAV")),
icp.mean = ifelse(, icp.evd.mean, icp.mean),
icp.median = ifelse(, icp.evd.median, icp.median),
cpp.mean = ifelse(, cpp.evd.mean, cpp.mean),
cpp.median = ifelse(, cpp.evd.median, cpp.median))
# TIL.max added as predictor: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Logistic regression model for time in red zone: ----
# Univariate regression:
uni.rz.outcome <- glm(Outcome~rz, family=binomial(), data=Baseline)
exp(uni.rz.outcome$coefficients) #OR
exp(confint(uni.rz.outcome)) # confidence interval 95%
summary(uni.rz.outcome)$coefficients[2,4] # p value
uni.rz.mort <- glm(Mort6mo~rz, family=binomial(), data=Baseline)
# 6 month mortality / unfav/fav outcome:
mort.model <- glm(data=Baseline, Mort6mo~rz + Age + GCSMotorBaselineDerived + PupilsBaseline + TIL.max, family=binomial())
fav.model <- glm(Outcome~rz + Age + GCSMotorBaselineDerived + PupilsBaseline + TIL.max, family="binomial", data=Baseline)
OR.mort <- round(, confint(mort.model)))),2)
OR.mort$p <- round(summary(mort.model)$coefficients[,4],3)
OR.mort <- OR.mort %>% mutate(Variable=rownames(OR.mort), "OR, 95% CI" = paste0(OR, " (",`2.5 %`, "-", `97.5 %`,")")) %>% select(Variable, "OR, 95% CI", p)
OR.fav <- round(, confint(fav.model)))),2)
OR.fav$p <- round(summary(fav.model)$coefficients[,4],3)
OR.fav <- OR.fav %>% mutate(Variable=rownames(OR.fav), "OR, 95% CI" = paste0(OR, " (",`2.5 %`, "-", `97.5 %`,")")) %>% select(Variable, "OR, 95% CI", p)
# Time in red zone above +2sd:
mort.model <- glm(data=Baseline, Mort6mo~rz.ub + Age + GCSMotorBaselineDerived + PupilsBaseline + TIL.max, family=binomial())
fav.model <- glm(Outcome~rz.ub + Age + GCSMotorBaselineDerived + PupilsBaseline + TIL.max, family="binomial", data=Baseline)
OR.mort.ub <- round(, confint(mort.model)))),2)
OR.mort.ub$p <- round(summary(mort.model)$coefficients[,4],3)
OR.mort.ub <- OR.mort.ub %>% mutate(Variable=rownames(OR.mort.ub), "OR, 95% CI" = paste0(OR, " (",`2.5 %`, "-", `97.5 %`,")")) %>% select(Variable, "OR, 95% CI", p)
OR.fav.ub <- round(, confint(fav.model)))),2)
OR.fav.ub$p <- round(summary(fav.model)$coefficients[,4],3)
OR.fav.ub <- OR.fav.ub %>% mutate(Variable=rownames(OR.fav.ub), "OR, 95% CI" = paste0(OR, " (",`2.5 %`, "-", `97.5 %`,")")) %>% select(Variable, "OR, 95% CI", p)
# Multivariate logistic regression model: ----------------------------------
# Add to baseline, PTD active/passive/tot at thresholds
Thresholds <- c(0,10,15,20,25,30)
# View(PTD$tot$PTD.long)
PTD.tot <- spread(PTD$tot$PTD.long %>% select(gupi, Threshold, mmHgH) %>% filter(Threshold %in% Thresholds), Threshold, mmHgH)
colnames(PTD.tot)[2:7] <- paste0("PTD.tot.",colnames(PTD.tot[2:7])) <- spread(PTD$active$PTD.long %>% select(gupi, Threshold, mmHgH) %>% filter(Threshold %in% Thresholds), Threshold, mmHgH)
colnames([2:7] <- paste0("",colnames([2:7]))
PTD.passive <- spread(PTD$passive$PTD.long %>% select(gupi, Threshold, mmHgH) %>% filter(Threshold %in% Thresholds), Threshold, mmHgH)
colnames(PTD.passive)[2:7] <- paste0("PTD.passive.",colnames(PTD.passive[2:7]))
Baseline <- left_join(Baseline, PTD.tot, by="gupi")
Baseline <- left_join(Baseline,, by="gupi")
Baseline <- left_join(Baseline, PTD.passive, by="gupi")
# OR: ---------------
OR.fcn <- function(x)
y <- round(,, 5)
y <- y %>% mutate(Variable = rownames(y), p=round(summary(x)$coefficients[,4],3))
y <- y %>% mutate("OR, 95% CI" = paste0(OR, ", (", `2.5 %`, "-", `97.5 %`, ")")) %>% select(Variable, "OR, 95% CI", p)
OR.list <- list()
exp(summary(glm(Mort6mo~PTD.tot.0, data=Baseline, family=binomial()))$coef)
mean((Baseline %>% filter(Mort6mo==0))$PTD.tot.0, na.rm=TRUE)
# Total PTD:
OR.list$Mort6mo$PTD.tot$'0' <- OR.fcn(glm(Mort6mo~PTD.tot.0 + Age + GCSMotorBaselineDerived + PupilsBaseline + TIL.max, family="binomial", data=Baseline))
OR.list$Mort6mo$PTD.tot$'10' <- OR.fcn(glm(Mort6mo~PTD.tot.10 + Age + GCSMotorBaselineDerived + PupilsBaseline + TIL.max, family="binomial", data=Baseline))
OR.list$Mort6mo$PTD.tot$'15' <- OR.fcn(glm(Mort6mo~PTD.tot.15 + Age + GCSMotorBaselineDerived + PupilsBaseline + TIL.max, family="binomial", data=Baseline))
OR.list$Mort6mo$PTD.tot$'20' <- OR.fcn(glm(Mort6mo~PTD.tot.20 + Age + GCSMotorBaselineDerived + PupilsBaseline + TIL.max, family="binomial", data=Baseline))
OR.list$Mort6mo$PTD.tot$'25' <- OR.fcn(glm(Mort6mo~PTD.tot.25 + Age + GCSMotorBaselineDerived + PupilsBaseline + TIL.max, family="binomial", data=Baseline))
OR.list$Mort6mo$PTD.tot$'30' <- OR.fcn(glm(Mort6mo~PTD.tot.30 + Age + GCSMotorBaselineDerived + PupilsBaseline + TIL.max, family="binomial", data=Baseline))
# Active PTD:
OR.list$Mort6mo$$'0' <- OR.fcn(glm( + Age + GCSMotorBaselineDerived + PupilsBaseline + TIL.max, family="binomial", data=Baseline))
OR.list$Mort6mo$$'10' <- OR.fcn(glm( + Age + GCSMotorBaselineDerived + PupilsBaseline + TIL.max, family="binomial", data=Baseline))
OR.list$Mort6mo$$'15' <- OR.fcn(glm( + Age + GCSMotorBaselineDerived + PupilsBaseline + TIL.max, family="binomial", data=Baseline))
OR.list$Mort6mo$$'20' <- OR.fcn(glm( + Age + GCSMotorBaselineDerived + PupilsBaseline + TIL.max, family="binomial", data=Baseline))
OR.list$Mort6mo$$'25' <- OR.fcn(glm( + Age + GCSMotorBaselineDerived + PupilsBaseline + TIL.max, family="binomial", data=Baseline))
OR.list$Mort6mo$$'30' <- OR.fcn(glm( + Age + GCSMotorBaselineDerived + PupilsBaseline + TIL.max, family="binomial", data=Baseline))
# Passive PTD:
OR.list$Mort6mo$PTD.passive$'0' <- OR.fcn(glm(Mort6mo~PTD.passive.0 + Age + GCSMotorBaselineDerived + PupilsBaseline + TIL.max, family="binomial", data=Baseline))
OR.list$Mort6mo$PTD.passive$'10' <- OR.fcn(glm(Mort6mo~PTD.passive.10 + Age + GCSMotorBaselineDerived + PupilsBaseline + TIL.max, family="binomial", data=Baseline))
OR.list$Mort6mo$PTD.passive$'15' <- OR.fcn(glm(Mort6mo~PTD.passive.15 + Age + GCSMotorBaselineDerived + PupilsBaseline + TIL.max, family="binomial", data=Baseline))
OR.list$Mort6mo$PTD.passive$'20' <- OR.fcn(glm(Mort6mo~PTD.passive.20 + Age + GCSMotorBaselineDerived + PupilsBaseline + TIL.max, family="binomial", data=Baseline))
OR.list$Mort6mo$PTD.passive$'25' <- OR.fcn(glm(Mort6mo~PTD.passive.25 + Age + GCSMotorBaselineDerived + PupilsBaseline + TIL.max, family="binomial", data=Baseline))
OR.list$Mort6mo$PTD.passive$'30' <- OR.fcn(glm(Mort6mo~PTD.passive.30 + Age + GCSMotorBaselineDerived + PupilsBaseline + TIL.max, family="binomial", data=Baseline))
# Total PTD:
OR.list$Outcome$PTD.tot$'0' <- OR.fcn(glm(Outcome~PTD.tot.0 + Age + GCSMotorBaselineDerived + PupilsBaseline + TIL.max, family="binomial", data=Baseline))
OR.list$Outcome$PTD.tot$'10' <- OR.fcn(glm(Outcome~PTD.tot.10 + Age + GCSMotorBaselineDerived + PupilsBaseline + TIL.max, family="binomial", data=Baseline))
OR.list$Outcome$PTD.tot$'15' <- OR.fcn(glm(Outcome~PTD.tot.15 + Age + GCSMotorBaselineDerived + PupilsBaseline + TIL.max, family="binomial", data=Baseline))
OR.list$Outcome$PTD.tot$'20' <- OR.fcn(glm(Outcome~PTD.tot.20 + Age + GCSMotorBaselineDerived + PupilsBaseline + TIL.max, family="binomial", data=Baseline))
OR.list$Outcome$PTD.tot$'25' <- OR.fcn(glm(Outcome~PTD.tot.25 + Age + GCSMotorBaselineDerived + PupilsBaseline + TIL.max, family="binomial", data=Baseline))
OR.list$Outcome$PTD.tot$'30' <- OR.fcn(glm(Outcome~PTD.tot.30 + Age + GCSMotorBaselineDerived + PupilsBaseline + TIL.max, family="binomial", data=Baseline))
# Active PTD:
OR.list$Outcome$$'0' <- OR.fcn(glm( + Age + GCSMotorBaselineDerived + PupilsBaseline + TIL.max, family="binomial", data=Baseline))
OR.list$Outcome$$'10' <- OR.fcn(glm( + Age + GCSMotorBaselineDerived + PupilsBaseline + TIL.max, family="binomial", data=Baseline))
OR.list$Outcome$$'15' <- OR.fcn(glm( + Age + GCSMotorBaselineDerived + PupilsBaseline + TIL.max, family="binomial", data=Baseline))
OR.list$Outcome$$'20' <- OR.fcn(glm( + Age + GCSMotorBaselineDerived + PupilsBaseline + TIL.max, family="binomial", data=Baseline))
OR.list$Outcome$$'25' <- OR.fcn(glm( + Age + GCSMotorBaselineDerived + PupilsBaseline + TIL.max, family="binomial", data=Baseline))
OR.list$Outcome$$'30' <- OR.fcn(glm( + Age + GCSMotorBaselineDerived + PupilsBaseline + TIL.max, family="binomial", data=Baseline))
# Passive PTD:
OR.list$Outcome$PTD.passive$'0' <- OR.fcn(glm(Outcome~PTD.passive.0 + Age + GCSMotorBaselineDerived + PupilsBaseline + TIL.max, family="binomial", data=Baseline))
OR.list$Outcome$PTD.passive$'10' <- OR.fcn(glm(Outcome~PTD.passive.10 + Age + GCSMotorBaselineDerived + PupilsBaseline + TIL.max, family="binomial", data=Baseline))
OR.list$Outcome$PTD.passive$'15' <- OR.fcn(glm(Outcome~PTD.passive.15 + Age + GCSMotorBaselineDerived + PupilsBaseline + TIL.max, family="binomial", data=Baseline))
OR.list$Outcome$PTD.passive$'20' <- OR.fcn(glm(Outcome~PTD.passive.20 + Age + GCSMotorBaselineDerived + PupilsBaseline + TIL.max, family="binomial", data=Baseline))
OR.list$Outcome$PTD.passive$'25' <- OR.fcn(glm(Outcome~PTD.passive.25 + Age + GCSMotorBaselineDerived + PupilsBaseline + TIL.max, family="binomial", data=Baseline))
OR.list$Outcome$PTD.passive$'30' <- OR.fcn(glm(Outcome~PTD.passive.30 + Age + GCSMotorBaselineDerived + PupilsBaseline + TIL.max, family="binomial", data=Baseline))
# Table C, supplement:
# Table D, supplement:
# Table E, supplement:
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